Our Veteran Program

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Brightmoor Hospice Veteran Program

Brightmoor Hospice is proud to be a Level 4 hospice provider in National Hospice and Palliative Care’s "We Honor Veterans" program. This program, in collaboration with the Veterans Administration, invites hospices, state hospice organizations, Hospice-Veteran Partnerships and VA facilities to join a pioneering program focused on respectful inquiry, compassionate listening and grateful acknowledgment. By recognizing the unique needs of America’s veterans and their families, community providers, in partnership with VA staff, learn how to accompany and guide them through their life stories towards a more peaceful ending.

Veterans who are Brightmoor Hospice patients are recognized by a Veteran Volunteer with a commemorative challenge coin, certificate and keepsake book. Veteran patients are also recognized on special occasions, such as Veteran’s Day.

Brightmoor Hospice staff and volunteers receive veteran specific training on how to best care for our veteran. Our staff is available to assist families with obtaining documents (such as DD214’s) and obtaining much needed benefits. Our partnership with the Atlanta VA and also local Veteran Service Organization office enables us to help families with these issues.

Brightmoor Hospice is a member of the Atlanta Veteran Community Partnership. Our qualified and outstanding team of veteran employees and volunteers are able to care for your veteran in a way that shows honor and dignity.
We Honor Veterans
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